
A fellow blogger on a different blog forum, in a post said to himself, ‘My dreams looking at me said to one another - This life has let us down.’
This, probably, must be his observation about his own life or at the end of his life (not really the end), he, in a pensive mood, gloomily talked to himself about his disappointing life, as far as his dreams were concerned.
In a TV ad for an insurance company, the narrator says, ‘Life – its all about making your wishes comes true…’
I was talking to a colleague of mine in the morning and his dreams suddenly cropped up from nowhere and took over the usual discussion. And then there was no end to it. Later others too joined and moments later we had a collage of a discussion, with everyone’s dreams lying spread eagle on table. Some dreams were funny, some were kinky, some serious, some too ambitious, some were just. But all had dreams.
Dreams – the fuel, which keeps the human soul going. The reason to live life.
Back to that statement, which lay the platform for this post, ‘My dreams looking at me said to one another - This life has let us down.’ What I realized today was that everyone has some dream or the other. And everyone is passionate enough about one’s dreams. It’s just that the kind of efforts needed to be put in to realize dreams vary. And there lies the difference. Those who go whole hog to achieve their dreams are called winners and those who couldn’t achieve what they dreamt of get into brooding moods and make statements like this. Not that I am holding them culprits for not putting efforts. There can be many reasons and circumstances that work as obstacles on the way to realize dreams. But everyone does try, at least once; to make ones dreams come true.
I am not putting in enough to realize my dreams. I too want to give it a try, at least once. I want to give my hundred percent to achieve, what I want to. So that, at the end of my life, I don’t say, ‘My dreams looking at me said to one another - This life has let us down.’
God, please help me.
Comeback tour
Freelance writer Lisa Dickey is traveling the length of Russia from Vladivostok to St.
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Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
How to Make Your Dreams Come True
Of course not all dreams are pleasant and making them come true can be worse than being trapped inside a cosole horror game.
But some dreams are produced by our deeper minds and are our inner-most desires, often disguised in some strange way.
However, there is another kind of dream and that is the kind we are consciously aware of and we have them during the daylight hourse and are often just fleeting thoughts.
You know the kind. "I wish I was on a world cruise enjoying myself rather than being stuck here in the factory or behind a desk." Yes, that's also a dream because it has it is a desire that has sirfaced into our conscious minds and is something we wish for at an unconscious level.
Of course, making those kind of dreams come true is more than not virtually impossible. For example, to wish to win the lottery may never become reality in this lifetime.
However, some dreams can become reality as so many graduates of my Hypnotherapy Course have discovered.
I decided three years ago to give thousands of 'dreamers' the opportunity to fullfill their dreams and ebcome a therapist. So many people want to help other people overcome their illnesses and mental blockages to life that their only stumbling block was the cost of training. I know of hypnotherapy courses costing as much as £7,000 (more than $11,000) and training in other forms of Alternative Medicine costing as much. To become a Doctor (M.D.) can cost as much as the purchase of a house.
So, with my teeth firmly gritted together, and a determination I have no known for years, I set the goal to help at least a thousand people make their dreams come true by reducing the cost of Hypnotherapy Training so it was within the reach of almost anyone in the World.
I passed that goal having had more than 1,400 students enrol and over 800 graduate.
So in helping others make their dreams come true, I made my own dream come true and at the age of sixty-nine years of age, I am proud of that.
Why don't you take a look at what I mean at: htttp:/www.dreams2reality.co.uk
Thank you for reading this,
Robert Shields
Anonymous, at 2:56 AM
Well Maverick Buddha certainly interesting stuff. I love surfing Blogs! I was looking for dream stuff and I landed on your page. I was looking more for dream
info, but was interested in your posts. Keep it up Take care.
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
Greetings Maverick Buddha I was looking for dream dictionary information and I landed on your pages. While this post was not excatly what I was looking for , I like your blog Great Stuff. I'll bookmark it for future visits. If you have time check out dream dictionary , Ok thanks for the read , take care.
Anonymous, at 9:13 AM
Greetings Maverick Buddha it's rather cold here today, but summer is comming to our part of the world soon. I was looking for the latest most up to date information on dreams and I landed on your page. Although this post is not an exact match I can see why I ended up here while looking for dreams Great stuff thanks for the read.....now where did I put that surf board !
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM
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