Pure Pleasure.

As a human being, we desire and seek many forms of pleasure – Carnal and intellectual. But today let me explain to you a pleasure, which has neither carnal nor intellectual belonging. It’s something very common yet uncommon.
I happened to call my friend, who stays in Amritsar, a city in Punjab, this morning. Now nothing unusual about it; I often call my friends who stay in other cities. Perhaps this is one reason that I get quite hefty telephone bills. Again, what’s the big deal…hundreds of people have a cell phone connection that make STD or even ISD calls. But for someone like me who earns peanuts for his living, a hefty telephone bill certainly proves to be a jolt to an already over budget scheme of things.
Back to the pleasure thing. I called up my friend and talked for a while…we could exchange greetings and even chatted about his plans to some to Delhi and meet me. Then we said good bye to each other and I disconnected. To my surprise, the call just lasted 59 seconds. It was a surprise, a very pleasant one; a shock, which I would certainly like to get more often; a state of pleasure, pure pleasure. It was like a satisfying orgasm, which gives you a deep sense of fulfillment…
i need to make a call.. fast :S
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM
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